Houston artist, Rob Jay, has been building a phenomenal buzz with his accomplishments including being selected one of The Top 100 Unsigned Artists by Music Connection Magazine, Being Featured on Arize Magazine's Fresh Picks Mixtape, becoming the first unsigned hip hop artist to gain a residency at The House of Blues Sunset (#1 rated live music venue in America), being selected as the only unsigned hip hop artist to headline an Armed Forced Entertainment Tour and a feature on KevinNottingham.com, voted the number one music blog in America. Somehow Rob Jay wasn't selected for The CMJ or A3C music conference. He speaks on the issue here at www.theartlifemovement.com. EXCLUSIVE
Interviewed by Kourtney Brown
Let's cut straight to the chase, do you think that you were snubbed out of the CMJ and A3C Music Conference?
Honestly, I think that it comes down to two totally different situations. As far as CMJ, I think that they selected an exclusive group of very accomplished artists. Honestly, I still think that none of the artists they selected can go at it with me bar for bar but at the same time those guys were very accomplished. I can't argue with someone selecting Tabi Bonney or Wiz Khalifa, or anybody in that class. They have an amazing grind and I respect that. A3C was something totally different. I saw alot of artist in that conference who I had way more accomplishments than. That was what hurt the most because I expected to be selected for both but when I didn't get CMJ I was like it's cool, I know what they look for but when A3C didn't pick me I was kind of heartbroke.
Why is that, did you expect more from A3C?
In a way I did, I remember when Hollyweerd was first starting to buzz, they didn't have much more then a buzz in Atlanta but A3C showed them love and put them in it last year and I expected that same unbiased judgement from them. Because Hollyweerd was dope back then, even though alot of people didn't know about them. And that's how I feel I am.
Why do you think they got that love and you didn't?
Hollyweerd has great artwork and marketing and they are managed by Coach K. I have good art work and I'm self managed. What loss do they have by not selecting me? The most that I can do is vent in a blog, but they have a whole different level of people behind them. They're really isn't that much benefit financially for being down with me, but alot of these other independent artist are affiliated with people that can make stuff happen. And the decision makers know that and make decisions accordingly, that's not to say that Hollyweerd can't stand on their own, because I love their music but at the same time it is what it is.
So, are you saying that a lack of a major co-sign hurt you?
That's not what I was saying but that is the case. I'm friends with some producers in the Justice League and some major writers and associates of T.J.'s D.J.'s, if they were to push my music I believe that the result would be totally different than me pursing it myself.
Then why don't you get them to push your music, "Directors Chair" is Dope?
It's not that easy, they're making thousands, maybe even millions working with the artists that they're working with. I'm just a passion project, and passion doesn't pay the bills immediately.
Is there anything you can do to make yourself more visible and ensure that this doesn't happen again?
Yes, I have to become more visual, that's why I'm working right now on my first music video and doing more photo shoots. I really focusing more on my image and brand because now I see the importance. All of the artist that are buzzing right now are very visual, it's almost like marketing has has become more important then music.
Is that a subliminal shot at your contemporaries?
Never that, I'm happy for any young man getting money in a positive way. Especially a black man, I love Souljah Boy, Wayne, Hollyweerd, Dom Kennedy and anyone else that's using this music to give their family a better life.
Do you think that blog sites and music conferences discriminate against artists from the south?
It would be hard for me to say that. East of L.A. and Mikey Mcfly featured me in their blogs before anyone had heard of me, and they're based out of California and Philadelphia. So people from outside the south have been riding with me, but at the same time I do think that artists from D.C., New York and L.A. have it easier. Also Atlanta, because they may be down south but they get New York style connects. So I think when your in Houston or any other city in the south the hurdle is higher. And even though I'm from Houston, I've lived in L.A. and Atlanta so I can't even compare myself to artists like Hollywood Floss, John Dew, and Fat Tony. Those guys are true Houstonians building a buzz so they don't have the rolodex that I have from my travels. But I do believe in my heart of hearts that if I was from New York or L.A. or even still lived there I would be the top freshmen in hip hop. No disresrect intended to those guys but what new artists out of those cities can see me. Seriously, I don't think I can really be put in the same category as most of them but I do respect them. I just think many of them benefit from the market that they are in. Like I hate to sound like I'm dissing my city but if U-N-I,Shawn Crystopher, Wale, Kid Cudi, Asher Roth or Dom Kennedy was from Houston.....I dont know if their fate would be the same. But I feel like if Rob Jay, Hollywood Floss or Hollyweerd was from Brooklyn or L.A. we would be in a totally different situation.
Any last words?
Look out for Rob Jay, I will be the breakout artist of 2010.