1. Always remind yourself of why your an artist- sometimes our purpose can get lost in the matrix. For me, lately I've had to do alot of paper work, administrative work, proposals etc for my upcoming tour. It can get overwelming but through the struggle I have to remember that I decided to be an artist for a reason bigger than myself.....
2. Give yourself some Me Time- this is so important, I've seen so many artist lose their passion for their craft because they let it encompass their whole lives, then they got burned out. As much as I love Art Life, I refuse to let Art Life become my life. Art is a part of me, a big part but it is one of many parts of me. (I'm also a pretty sick Scrabble Player!!! And my Culinary Art Skills Are CRazy!!!!)
3. Invest time into building friendships- this is so important, not only does it help artistically but spiritually as well. Make it a point to continously build friendships on your journey
4. Be your best friend- As artist many times we are such perfectionist that we constantly critique, criticize and focus on improvements that we need to make. But ask yourself a question, if someone besides yourself treated you the way you treat yourself would you consider them a friend? Make sure that you are your biggest supporter, that you encourage yourself and that you love yourself, as is.
5. Go Hard- Dreams are not something to be played with. If your gonna step out there and try to do something extraordinary you better go hard or go home.
6. Take it one step at a time- when setting your goals, use the ladder approach. Start with simple feasible goals that lead you in the right direction. For example if I were to say, I want to sign to a major label, win a grammy and sell a million records within the next 3 years. That is a valid goal, but it gives me no benchmarks that I can hit on the way. I think a better set of goals would be, I want 25,000 myspace views, coverage in one publication monthly, radio play on at least 5 college stations, and I want to perform 3 times a month by July 2009. I still have my purpose of selling millions insight, I'm just giving myself benchmarks so that I know I'm on the right way.
7. Practice, Practice, Practice- as artist many times we forget to practice. Not just when your in the studio recording, or producing or auditioning. Practice your craft, sometimes I write verses with no intention of ever recording them, sometimes I freestyle and try to use only a certain type of word. This is just practice so that when showtime comes I'm prepared. Practice
8. Live like the professionals- Emulate the lifestyle of the people that have reached the success that you are trying to reach. For me, I look at Wayne, 50, Jay, I look at how they work and I try to emulate that in my life. Because I can't compete with them with money, buzz, or management. The only thing that I do share with them is 24 hours in each day. So in order for me to reach their level I have to work like them.
9. Study Successful People- always be monitoring successful people. Study what they do that makes them successful, learn the attributes of success. Until you've experienced success you don't really know what it is. I haven't experienced major success yet so I look to others that have to learn about it.
10. Have Fun- Remember ART IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN!!!!! If your not having the time of your life pursing your dream....Art Life may not be for you. Go to law school if you want to be miserable while making a living. (SHOUTS OUT TO THE LAWYERS!!!!!!!)
A good friend of mine, Juilan Bah, (Google him, he's one of the sickest skaters ever), once was giving some advice to some aspiring skaters who wanted to get sponsored. What he told them was brilliant yet simple. He simply said, "Go out and do your thing and everything will work itself out. If you don't make it, at least you had fun!!"
Speaking of Julian, One Final Proverb.
BE FEARLESS- to become great you have to conquer fear in all shapes or forms. The reason Micheal Jordan was able to make so many game winning shots is because he wasn't scarred to miss. The reason Jay-Z is one of the most successful selling artist is because wasn't afraid to start his own label. The reason Julian Bah (You really should google him) is able is able to jump off of three story apartments with some skates on is because he doesn't fear getting hurt. To conquer fear is to conquer yourself.
Rob Jay
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